No doubt Governor Newsom has a tough job. I don’t envy him as he navigates around the Covid restrictions. Personally, I think he is more interested in the politics and power of being Governor and has left the little people behind. You can of course vote however you wish in the upcoming recall election, but I’m voting “Yes.” And do keep in mind that Governor Newsom is fully supportive of the Sierra Club and has never responded to requests regarding ferret legalization.
We therefore sent out an email to all candidates for Governor in the recall election who gave out an email address and these are the responses we received.
Steve Chavez Lodge

Hello Pat,
Honestly I didn’t realize Ferret’s were illegal in California. I’ve know friends that have owned them for years and have never really given it a second taught. I do take issue with the claims of your opponents. They seem to have another goal they are trying to accomplish. I don’t see their issue to be legitimate.
I think the government shouldn’t make something illegal that 47 out of the 48 states in the continental US find ok to be legal. I have no opposition to people owning ferrets in California if they so choose.
Steve Chavez Lodge
President & CEO
Lodge International, LLC
(949) 246-9382
Adam Papagan

You can tell your constituents that I am pro ferret legalization.
David Hillberg
No Photo 🙁
Hi Pat
I wouldn’t mind one for myself ..saw a red one with a blacks eye mask over in Chino near the prison ..
the Grey Squirrels that the VA released in the late 70s had a larger impact .. They’re chasing off the indigenous red tail Squirrels .. If I have time I’ll bring it up .. I might be too busy with the Democrats
,,Like Nancy said ” no one is above the law” I’d like to see that true . no matter how many politicians I throw out or lock up
Either way I support the Constitutions’ of the State and Federal Government and enforce law .. I think we have too many bad laws as it is including many animal ones
Thank you for writing
David Hillberg
Nickolas Wildstar

Hello Pat and thank you for contacting me. I recall us speaking before on this issue and am pleased to let you know that my position on ferrets as discussed in this video ( has not changed. Please feel free to use this response as you wish. Thanks!
Long Live Liberty,
FACEBOOK: @Wildstar2022
TWITTER: @TheRealQBall
INSTAGRAM: @GovernorWildstar
Heather Collins
I can’t find a photo. Ms. Colllins is with the Green Party.
Thank you for contacting me.
I do not have an opinion of legalizing ferrets.
I think there are much more important and urgent things to deal with in California at the moment.
We need to recall Newsom first.
Heather Collins
Sent from Heather’s iPhone
Holly Baade

Hi. This is Holly Baade, Candidate for California State Governor.
Usually when people see an animal as a threat or illegal to have as a pet, they are coming from a lack of experience and personal connection with that animal. Ferrets are wonderful. Wonderful animals and pets I am sure. Personally, I have a wolf as a pet.
I would support legalizing ferrets as pets! You bet.
Holly L. Baade, Mother / Business Owner / Community Leader