We were very surprised to see a recommendation of “DENY” come from the Fish and Game’s Wildlife Committee for our petition for regulation change. The Commission will announce their answer on Thursday, August 25th at their meeting in Folsom, CA.
The reason for their recommendation:
There have been two studies done.
Back in 1995 we were told the Commission didn’t have the resources to perform an environmental study on ferrets. But they did it anyway. And when their own study (1996-97 NATIONWIDE FERRET SURVEY OF STATE WILDLIFE AGENCIES) failed to come up with any detriments to legalizing ferrets they buried the study. But it was discovered by Jeanne Carley while she was doing research.
In 2000 the Commission said for them to agree to consider ferret legalization the proponents would have to agree to fund another environmental study. In 2010 we did, the study was conducted by Sacramento State University under the guidelines give to us by members of the California Fish and Game Commission. Here is that study.
When we submitted that study they said it was incomplete without a CEQA Checklist. So we hired a consultant and submitted the Checklist.
Neither the Environmental Report nor the accompanying CEQA Checklist were ever accepted.
Someone at either the Fish and Game Commission or the Department of Fish and Wildlife said the Environmental Report was inadequate but a Public Records Request act showed that nobody at either agency had read the report.
We will still be at the meeting on August 25th, make our presentation, have supporters with signs. And we except to move this issue further.
Join Us – Here is the Facebook Event
Thursday, August 25 at 12 PM – 4 PM
Lake Natoma Inn Hotel & Conference Center, 702 Gold Lake Dr. Folsom, CA 95630
For more information please call LegalizeFerrets.org at 619-303-0645