Are California Ferret Owners’ Civil Rights Being Ignored?
The domestic ferret is a domestic animal. There is not one informed source that says otherwise. But in California, they are considered “not normally domesticated in this state as determined by the commission” (Fish and Game Code §2116).
Domestic animals are legal according to our state constitution, CIVIL CODE –
There may be ownership of all inanimate things which are capable of appropriation or of manual delivery; of all domestic animals; of all obligations; of such products of labor or skill as the composition of an author, the good will of a business, trade marks and signs, and of rights created or granted by statute.
So what gives?
We’ve tried to get a legislator but that hasn’t worked. There is an unspoken policy in our state capitol “Ignore the ferret people.”
WE NEED AN ATTORNEY. Not just any attorney. We need one willing to fight for the little guy, for what’s right. One willing to work with a rag tag group of ferret lovers who raise money on gofundme.
Are you that special attorney willing to take on powerful special interests; The Sierra Club, HSUS, Fish and Game to do the right thing?
Please call at 619-303-0645 or email