
After all, they’re called Domestic Ferrets!

Ferret Legalization Lawsuit Paused, We're it to Moving the Office of Administrative Law

Exciting News: Ferret Legalization Petition Officially Filed!
October 10, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that our petition for regulatory change has been officially filed with the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL). This is a major step forward in our mission to legalize ferrets in California!

View the Petition for Regulation

The OAL now has sixty days to respond. This process is different from our previous efforts with the Fish and Game Commission. We are exercising our rights under the Administrative Procedures Act, which offers a more formal and structured approach.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue this journey for justice and change!

We wanted to provide you with an important update regarding our ongoing efforts to legalize domestic ferrets in California. After careful consideration and consultation with our legal team, we have decided to pause our lawsuit in Superior Court while we pursue a formal petition with the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL). This strategic decision allows us to focus on a potentially faster and more effective path to overturning the ferret ban.

Why Are We Pausing the Lawsuit?

Our legal team has advised that pursuing a petition with the OAL could yield results that significantly impact the future of our lawsuit. The OAL has the power to review the ferret ban and determine if it was enacted properly under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). A favorable ruling from the OAL could lead to amending or even repealing the ferret ban, making ferrets legal in California without the need for further court action. If the OAL does not rule in our favor, we can resume the lawsuit with a stronger case, armed with additional public and legal support.

We anticipate filing our petition with the OAL around November 1, 2024.

Why Public Support Matters Now More Than Ever

Unlike a lawsuit, matters before the OAL are strongly influenced by public support. Demonstrating widespread public backing for our cause can help sway the OAL’s decision in our favor. This is why we are focusing heavily on gathering signatures and building a broad base of support from the public, showing that ferret lovers, animal advocates, and concerned citizens believe the ban is unjust and outdated.

What’s Happening In the Meantime?

As we prepare to file the petition, public support is crucial to our success. We are actively working on gathering signatures and rallying support from ferret lovers and advocates across the state and beyond. Here’s how you can help:

  1. Sign the Petition: Our online petition is gaining momentum, and every signature counts. This petition demonstrates to the OAL and state lawmakers that the public supports the legalization of domestic ferrets.

  2. Spread the Word: We will be actively building support on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Google Ads to reach as many people as possible. Follow us and share our posts to raise awareness and help us grow our network of supporters.

  3. Join the Campaign: We are launching an advertising campaign to build public awareness and gain signatures for the petition. The more signatures we gather, the stronger our case will be when we file the petition with the OAL.

How You Can Get Involved:

  • Sign our petition: Let your voice be heard by signing and sharing with your friends and family.

What’s Next?

Once we file the petition with the OAL, the review process will begin, and we’ll be providing updates on our progress. Your support now is essential—whether it’s signing the petition, sharing our message, or engaging with us online, every action brings us one step closer to our goal.

Together, we can make history and bring ferrets back to California homes where they belong!

Thank you for standing with us on this journey.

Sign the petition regarding ferrets for the California Office of Administrative Law


By signing this petition, you consent to the collection and storage of your personal information (such as name, email address, and any comments) in accordance with’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. This information will be used solely for the purposes of this petition and will not be shared with third parties outside of, except as required by law.

There is no cost to sign this petition, and participation is completely voluntary. By signing, you are helping support the cause for ferret legalization, which will be presented to the California Office of Administrative Law.

For more details on how your data is handled, please refer to’s policies. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at

Calling for Letters of Support:

Help Us Legalize Ferrets in California!

As we prepare to file our petition with the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) to challenge the outdated ban on domestic ferrets, we are asking for your help. We are seeking letters of support from individuals who have relevant experience or expertise. If you are a veterinarian, wildlife expert, biologist, or someone with firsthand knowledge of ferrets, we would greatly appreciate your input.

Why Your Letter Matters:

Letters from experts and experienced individuals can provide critical evidence to support our petition. Public support plays an essential role in the OAL’s decision-making process, and we want to demonstrate that knowledgeable professionals believe the ferret ban is unjust and should be amended.

We will include these letters as exhibits when we submit our official petition to the OAL. This will strengthen our case and show that the ban is not supported by current scientific understanding or practical experience.

What to Include in Your Letter:

In your letter, please address the following points (or anything else relevant to your expertise):

  • Why ferrets are domestic animals and pose no threat to wildlife or public safety.
  • Your experience with ferrets in a professional capacity (as a veterinarian, wildlife expert, etc.).
  • Why you believe the current ban is outdated and needs to be reconsidered.
  • Any relevant data or scientific information that supports the legalization of ferrets.

Mailing Information:

Please send your letters to:
4515 Panorama Dr.
La Mesa, CA 91941

We will compile these letters and submit them, along with our petition and exhibits, to the California Office of Administrative Law.

Please Address Your Letters to:

Office of Administrative Law
300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1250
Sacramento, CA 95814


We need to receive your letters by November 1, 2024, as we anticipate filing the petition shortly after that date. Your timely support will make a significant difference in our effort to overturn the ferret ban.

How You Can Help Beyond Writing a Letter:

  • Share This Request: Even if you are not a veterinarian or expert, please share this post with anyone who may be able to contribute.
  • Sign Our Petition: Be sure to sign our petition, which shows additional public support for our cause.

Thank you for standing with us in this important fight for ferret legalization. Together, we can make a difference!