The Next Step
![Ferret supporters at the August 25th Fish and Game meeting](
Our next step, the Fish and Game Commission Meeting October 19th and 20th at the Red Lion Hotel, 1929 4th Street, Eureka.
At their August 25th meeting the Commissioners decided to postpone the discussion on our regulation for petition change; i.e. legalizing ferrets until the October meeting because our Environmental Report got lost in the email shuffle.
They have received the report and all supporting documents. Our report is extremely thorough and will pass their test if they are fair. It appears the new Commissioners are indeed fair and interested in doing the right thing.
Come on out and support us. Here’s the plan
Join us on the evening of October 19th at 6:30 pm at the lounge restaurant. Order off the menu. small-plates-and-desserts or Summer Menu. Let’s talk to our fellow ferret enthusiasts.
We have blocked a book of rooms at a discounted rate of $95. Please call 707-441-4705, Elizabeth Stodard, the sales manager. Or you can email her at
Join us the afternoon of the 20th as we make one last appeal that the Commissioners grant further consideration to our request to remove ferrets off the prohibited species list.
Click Here for the Facebook Event
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Valerie Termini
Executive Director
California Fish and Game Commission
P.O. Box 944209
Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
You don’t have to be fancy, and please don’t be too long. Just tell her that you support ferret legalization![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]